Monday, December 31, 2012

Pintastic Monday 21

It's the last Pintastic Monday of this year so we're going to change it up a bit.  Link up any new projects you have as well as your FAVORITE project from this past year.  Then as usual browse some of the other projects and pin away.  By the end of this week we should be completely moved and hopefully unpacked and settled (fingers crossed) and my blog should start look more normal.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year Resolutions Printables

I know my blog has been awfully quiet the last couple of weeks and while we are still in the process of moving, last night I whipped up these New Year Resolutions Printables to share with you before my computer was packed.  This year I wanted something I could put up somewhere in our new house that would remind me of the goals I want to be working on constantly.  As you can see the first of my New Year Resolutions printable is a list that is somewhat general.  I am a goal oriented person and while I often need a very specific goal to be working towards I also want to work on being happy with the small achievements.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Pintastic Monday #20

Welcome to Pintastic Monday where bloggers come together to find "pinsperation" projects.   I love Christmas time and the projects that are out there are just fantastic.  I think I will have to start my Christmas projects in July next year so that I can get them all done in time.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Tree Crafts

I have been planning on these Christmas tree crafts for some time now and one set is almost complete.  I know what you're thinking.  How many projects can she use twine for?  The answer is: a lot.  It has such a great color and texture combo and goes well with just about everything.  

Pintastic Monday # 19

 Welcome to Pintastic Monday where bloggers come together and Pin one another's latest and greatest projects.  I really must apologize for the last few weeks and my lack of effort in this party, that is about to change.  It just has been one thing right after another and most days I'm lucky to keep my head above water.  However, I love looking at everyone's projects, its rather relaxing :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Easy Handmade Gift Ideas

If you are like me you are always on the lookout for easy handmade gift ideas especially around the holidays.  It's always fun to receive gifts that are personal or have meaning.  In my family we rotate names between us siblings so that Christmas doesn't break the bank.  Last year my sister had me and I was beyond thrilled when I opened up these cute Christmas ornaments she hand painted.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

No Sew Skirts for Your Tree

Last year I took on a massive project for Christmas... one of those no sew skirts for your Christmas tree that you have seen floating around Craftland.  Now no sew skirts are the way to go for someone like me who doesn't do a lot of sewing or own a sewing machine.  However, you may want to engage in a Pride and Prejudice (the long version) marathon while you're at it.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Countdown Till Christmas Printable

Can you believe its almost December.  Ya me neither but I thought I would get this Countdown Till Christmas Printable ready for you a little early.   It seems like Christmas is just around the corner now that Thanksgiving has come and gone and my to-do list is getting bigger and bigger by the minute.  

Pintastic Monday 18

Three weeks in a row I've been late with Pintastic Monday.  Someday I will have all my eggs in my basket.  It's been a Monday if there ever was one and right now I could use a little partying to try and get my week off to a better start.  So link up your projects and visit a couple of others and starting pinning away!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Shabby Apple Winner

Thanks to all who have entered our Shabby Apple giveaway.  Today's lucky winner is entry number #115 Kathleen B whose winning entry was liking Shabby Apple on Facebook.  To see the winning entry click here.

Kathleen I have sent an email out to you.  Please respond withing 48 hours to claim your prize:)

The party doesn't end there though.  For the next three weeks you can receive 10% off any order using the code  sarahdawn10off.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pintastic Monday 17

Happy Monday!  I apologize for not get last week's link party up.  As the holidays approach things have gotten even more crazy.  None the less welcome to Pintastic Monday where bloggers comet together and pin one another's projects.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Easy Christmas Ornanment Crafts

This week has been a bust for me when it came to projects and posts until I finished my easy Christmas ornament crafts.  Either I ran out of supplies, I couldn't get a good photo, I ran out of time, or it simply didn't turn out.  I sure tried though.  I was feeling a little sad that I didn't have anything new to show you this week.  That's when I had the idea at ten o'clock last night to make these easy Christmas ornament crafts.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Shabby Apple G!veaway

Close this window

Pintastic Monday will return next week.  I just ran out of time to get everything done this weekend.  In the meantime...

Are you in for a treat or what!  A few weeks back a representative from Shabby Apple contacted me and asked if I was familiar with their company and if I would be interested in hosting a giveaway for a $50 Gift Certificate to their store.  Am I familiar???  I only drool all over my keyboard every time I look at their website.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude Frame

I think this Attitude of Gratitude frame is my favorite Thanksgiving project to date and has a little more meaning.  It all started when I was searching for ideas on Pinterest for a Thanksgiving craft to do for our monthly craft club as November was my month to host.  It's hard to find something that 12+ people will like and isn't covered in turkeys.  Then I stumbled upon this beauty from Catherina's Creative Corner.  It is the perfect project to get you in an attitude of gratitude.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cute Christmas Cards of Years Past

It's that time of year... have you started thinking about the cute Christmas cards you want to send out in the next few weeks?  I know I have and to be honest I'm feeling a little behind.  Usually by this time I have family photos done and the card all designed but this year got away from me.  I will get them out though!  This week I hope to finish 3-5 new templates available for purchase on my website.  In the meantime I thought I would show you some of my favorites from years past, all of which are still available plus 24 other designs. To check out these cute Christmas cards head on over to my website.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chamilia Jewelry Winner

Drum-roll please....

Congrats to Rachelle A who's winning entry was a tweet about this giveaway.  I have sent a confirmation email so make sure and look for it.  

Thanks to all those who participated, be sure to check back soon for a Shabby Apple giveaway!  

Happy 60th Birthday and the Photo Numbers

The room was buzzing with anticipation as we all waited to shout, "Happy 60th Birthday!"  I'm not sure if the adrenaline was rushing because I was so excited that the day to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday had finally come or from not knowing if I was going to make it in time for the big reveal because of a helium shortage.  I've been dying to show you the center piece I made for this surprise party.  My mother-in-law is a pretty special person and one of the kindest people you will ever meet.  If you know anyone in her family you also know that the love for taking photos runs strong and deep.  Giant photo numbers were the perfect way to say Happy 60th Birthday to someone so deserving.   

Lets start at the beginning.  At the party so many people asked me how I made the numbers.  Out of cardboard of course.  Each number is about 3 1/2 feet tall, maybe a little taller.  Yes you read that correctly.

Step 1:  I cut a front and back for each number.  I knew I was going to use 4 x 6 photos so the width of each number is right around 7 1/2 inches so that the photos could overlap slightly.  I used a ruler to help trace my numbers on the flat piece of cardboard.  It took me a couple of hours to get the numbers traced and cut but it is worth the time to be precise.  

*Please note that the numbers do stand on their own so make sure you have a good flat bottom for both numbers*

Step 2:  Next I cut strips of cardboard that were 5.75 inches wide.  The would serve as the inside and outsideand and needed to be slightly less than the width of one photo.

Step 3:  I started with the outside and began taping the front and the back with my strips cut in step 2 wedged in between.  Alternate between which side you tape, you want it to be sturdy and the tape keeps it from bulging.  The photo of the 0 gives a better idea of how this was done.  It took more than one of my cardboard strips so I just taped them as I went to make it look like one continuous strip.  Once I was done with the outside I completed the inside.   

Step 4:  Next I lay my numbers flat and placed my photos on the front side of my numbers.  Cover the entire front before you start taping so that you have all the tricky spots figured out ahead of time.  There were a couple of photos that hung over the edge so I had to trim them.  Once you have it figured out, tape the photos down.  Turn the numbers over and do the same thing to the back.  Finally you will tape photos all around the sides.  I started at the bottom for the outside row so that if the photos didn't meet exactly  up you wouldn't see it.  Subsequently I started at the top of the inside for the same reason.  Take care to make sure to get plenty of tape on the back of each photo to make sure it is secure and doesn't fall off.  I just used masking tape.

By the end of the project I had used two rolls of tape and approximately 325 black and white 4 x 6 photos.  It's definitely a labor of love as it took many, many hours but I spread it out throughout a week's time.

Every one loved looking at the numbers seeing all of the different memories from my mother-in-laws 60 years of life.  It was definitely a show stopper and fit into our Hollywood Glam theme perfectly.  The numbers are actually pretty sturdy as these photos were taken three weeks after the case and traveled for more than 9 hours in cars and still in pretty good condition.

Happy 60th Birthday! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Color Me Rad 5k - Check

Over the weekend I ran the Color Me Rad 5k with my husband and it was pretty rad in my opinion.  Before I get too carried away let me explain how we decided upon this event.  About three weeks ago on a Sunday night I was sitting at my computer probably surfing the net when kind of out of nowhere I sent the link for the Color Me Rad 5k to my husband who was sitting in his office doing the same thing.  I didn't really think he would want to do with me...

Pintastic Monday #16

Welcome to  our latest edition of Pintastic Monday, where bloggers come together and pin one another's projects.  Can you believe it is November, my favorite month of the year?  If you haven't already I hope you are getting your voting ballets ready, tomorrow is the day!  

In case you missed it here is what I was up to last week:


I was asked to do a review and giveaway for Chamilia Jewelry (which ends tonight so make sure you have your entries in:)

I posted about the Hollywood Glam Desserts we had my my mother-in-law's surprise party.

and shared my interactive Thanksgiving/Gratitude Advent Calendar.

Our most viewed link from last week's party was:


this awesome idea on how to make keeping your fridge cleaner and easier from Let's Get Crafty.


House of 34 shares her new side table that she made herself.  I love the letters underneath!


Halloween may be over but I just love this costume from Acasarella.  I may have to try this next year.


Mmmm, pumpkins and November were a match made in heaven which makes me really want to try these Pumpkin Pie Poptart Cakeballs from Pint Sized Baker .


Finally, Mommy's Sweet Confessions, shared with us her recipe from Cornbread Stuffed Taco Peppers.  We have tacos frequently in our house so I'm always looking for different variations.

Thank-you to all who participated last week.

Are you ready for this week's party?  


Pin Party Rules:

1)  Visit at least two other links and pin two projects from the authors' blog.    
2.)  Add my button somewhere on your blog, whether it is in the post itself or on the side.
3.)  Link to a specific post and it must be something you wrote or created.
4.)  No give-aways or other link parties.  

I would love if you would follow me as well, but it is not a requirement.  

Of course you can find me on Pinterest too.  I'll follow back if you leave your Pinterest link in the comments section.  

Get your pins ready, get set, GO!

*By submitting your links/projects you are giving others permission to pin your projects to Pinterest as well as giving me permission to use your photo/s should I choose to feature you.  If you have any questions you can email me at*

*Each participant is responsible for complying with Pinterest's Terms of Use and Sarah Dawn Designs cannot be held responsible should those terms be broken.*

Pin Party Time!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksgiving/Gratitude Advent Calendar

It's officially November!!!!  Hip Hip Hooray.  I have been trying to decide on what I was going to do to make November special.  That's how I came up with my 25 Ways to Show Gratitude list.  I want to do more than just think about the things I'm grateful for.  When pondering about this list I decided I also wanted to come up with a DIY project to go with it.  *Enter Thanksgiving/Gratitude Advent Calendar.*

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glam and Chic Birthday Desserts

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated my mother in law's 60th birthday and threw her a big surprise party.  It was so much fun to plan and one of my tasks was to arrange for the birthday desserts.  Our theme had a touch of Hollywood Glam so we wanted something that was sophisticated and maybe even a little bit sparkly.   

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chamilia Jewelry Review and G!veaway

A Chamilia representative contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I would be interested in reviewing a silver snap bracelet and one bead.  It took me less than a second to decide whether or not I would like to, mainly because I am already a fan of Chamilia Jewelry.

For those that don't know Chamilia is a jewelry company that specializes in charm bracelets, necklaces and earrings.  I was first introduced to this company last Christmas when I opened up a little green box from my father-in-law to see a beautiful silver bracelet and a few charms he had hand picked for me specifically, which makes the bracelet all the more special.  The beads actually mean something.  In addition the bracelet is made of sterling silver.  I have fairly sensitive skin so the cheap metals just don't cut it.

There are so many beads and color choices to make your bracelet or necklace truly one of a kind.  I've started out with pink and silver beads but I've decided to add other colors. I want three of each color with silver charms in between.  Thus when asked which bead I would like to review I decided upon one last pink bead, the Double Baguette.  This bead is as pretty as the photo shows it to be and compliments the others that I have quite nicely.  In fact I think it is my new favorite.

The only thing I could possible want more out of my bracelet is a way to make the beads stay in one place as I have yet to fill it up.  When I was preparing for this review by looking through the Chamilia Website I found that they have bead locks!  They have a good variety to choose from and don't distract from the actual charm beads.

I think a charm bracelet like this makes a great present.  Now my husband and other family members can added to my bracelet with beads that are personalized to me on special occasions or holidays.

I find it to be of high quality craftsmanship and expect that this bracelet will be one that lasts throughout the year and won't irritate my sensitive skin.  It's classy and beautiful.  In short, I love it!

Best part of doing the review is that Chamilia has graciously offered to give one of YOU a Silver Snap Bracelet and one bead of your choice (up to $60) to get you started.  That's a $125 worth of product!   All you have to do is enter for your chance/s to win this prize package.  Like I said, it makes a great gift whether for you or someone you know.  

This give away will be open from today and close at midnight on November 5th.  Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Chamilia. I have received a promotional item for sharing this post. Opinions expressed are 100% my own based on previous experience with Chamilia and have not been influenced in any other way.

Pintastic Monday #15

Welcome to our 15th edition of Pintastic Monday where bloggers come together and Pin on another's latest and greatest.  Please make sure you are pinning at least two other projects to help make this party successful.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Crafts

Does anyone else have a hard time finding Thanksgiving crafts?  I know I sure do which makes me sad because Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday.  I love the colors, the crispness in the air, the gathering of family, and of course all of the pumpkin pie.  A couple of years ago in our craft club we made these wood block letters and it is still one of my favorite Thanksgiving crafts to date.

They are pretty easy to make.

Supplied Needed:

- (Eight) 4" 2 x 4's
- (Two) 6" 2 x 4's
- sandpaper
- acrylic paint and brushes
- paper letters and ModgePodge OR vinyl letters

Step 1:  Go to Home Depot and have the nice boys cut your 2 x 4's into the sizes you need, or you can cut them yourself.

Step 2:  Sand your blocks until they are as smooth as butter or whatever texture you prefer.

Step 3:  Paint your wood blocks.  I used four colors:  gold, orange, grey, and yellow to match the decor already in my home. 

*If you look closely you will see that I have a slight champagne glitter finish on top of all of my blocks.  I used a DecoArt Dazzling Metallics Elegant Finish.  You can find it in the acrylic paint section of your craft store.  Brush on one or two coats on top of your color after it has dried.*

Step 4:  After your paint and finish have thoroughly dried apply your paper letters on using ModgePodge or use your vinyl letters.  I made my blocks before Silhoutte's time.  If using ModgePodge it may take a couple of coats.

That's all there is to it.  After your blocks are cut I would say you could do this Thanksgiving craft in an hour, two at the most depending on how quickly you sand and paint. 

What Thanksgiving crafts have you done?  Since I finished this one a couple of years ago I'm looking for new ideas that I can do now to fill my crafting itch. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Countdown Printable

Who is ready for a free Thanksgiving Countdown printable?  November is one of my favorite  months.  I get to celebrate my birthday, Thanksgiving, get together with family, and think about all of the things I'm grateful for.  I always have a hard time finding Thanksgiving Decor, so, last year I created this cute little Thanksgiving Countdown printable.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

25 Ways to Show Gratitude

As November approaches (I know it snuck up on me too), so does the holiday season.  I love this time of year.  Not only is it pretty with all the falling leaves and yes even snow but there is something in the air.  People tend to be more giving and kind.  Families gather and celebrations commence.  It is a time for reflection on all we did and received throughout the year and a time to set new goals.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pintaststic Monday #14

Welcome to the 14th edition of Pintastic Monday where bloggers come together to find some "Pinspiration."  I know this week's edition is again a little late.  I just go back from a fabulous surprise party for my mother-in-law and have some awesome blog posts to prove it.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY Envelope Pillows for Halloween

Are you ready for Halloween?  This year I can say that I am... almost.  A couple of weeks ago I shared this tutorial over at eighteen25 and now get to share it here with all of you.  I must start with a confession though.  Before this year I have never really decorated for Halloween.  I've been figuring out my style and how to incorporate that into my holiday decor.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Simple Homemade Halloween Costumes

How is it October 15th already?  I haven't even thought about simple homemade costumes for this year.  Halloween in the past has been one of my least favorite holidays.  Since moving here however we have made friends with those that LOVE Halloween and as a result been invited to a couple's party in the past.  Simple homemade Halloween costumes are becoming more important as I'm still not 100% in love with the holiday and hate spending money on costumes for me and the husband.  I'm sure that will change as we have kids.

Pintastic Monday Link Party #13

I know, I'm a little late.  Things have been a little crazy here.  None the less, Welcome to Pintastic Monday!  Where bloggers come together and have a Pin Party.  Last week we had all sorts of Pin Worthy posts.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fabric Pumpkins Makeover

I know these fabric pumpkins are one of the oldest tricks in the book, but c'mon they are still pretty cool.  After making my twine pumpkin out a roll of toilet paper and now posting this project you're going to think I have an obsession with toilet paper.  I like to think of it as "Food Storage."  When the world is coming to an end and we are grabbing our most valuable possessions you can bet I will call out, "Honey, grab the pumpkins!"  Ok that's not the real reason I use tp but it is pretty funny if I say so myself.  Toilet paper is one of those perfect forms for pumpkins and inexpensive.  Fabric pumpkins were one of my very first craft projects as a newly wed several years ago.  Here is what they looked like then.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pintastic Monday #12

   Happy Monday all!  Welcome to Pintastic Monday where bloggers come together and pin one another's latest and greatest projects.  October has started crazy and chaotic but that's how I like it. Thank-you to all who have participated in last week's Halloween Edition.  It is open all month long so I hope you will continue to come back and link up your Halloween/Fall related projects.  You can find that collection here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Coolest Birthday Cake, Superhero Style

This weekend I made the coolest birthday cake in the history of my baking career.  Ok, that's not hard to do since I  have only made two fancy birthday cakes ever.  Still I was pretty darn proud of myself.  When I got married I never planned on going wild and crazy with birthdays, cakes, and parties, but let's admit it, Pinterest has forever changed parties in general and made possible the coolest birthday cake.  Since it's just the husband and I, I get to make one cake a year.  Go big or go home, right?  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple Halloween Crafts and the Wrapped Letters

Who doesn't love simple Halloween crafts?  I know I sure do.  That's what I thought I got myself into when I decided to do these yarn letters and spell BOO.  Boy was I wrong.  These letters went from simple Halloween crafts to complicated, time consuming, headaches pieces of art in a matter of minutes.  Still I think they turned out pretty darn good.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pintastic Monday - Halloween Edition

Welcome to our Halloween Edition of Pintastic Monday, where bloggers get together and pin each other's posts.  As with all of the holiday edition parties the rules are a little different.  This link party will stay open until October 31st so be sure to continue to add all of your great Halloween ideas.  There will be two collections, 1 for Halloween Posts only and the other for all the rest of your projects.  The second collection will close on Friday like usual.  Please link up as many Halloween posts as you want, even if you have linked them up to a previous party!  Happy Pinning All.

Be sure to stop by my co-host's, Just Dawnelle, blog as well and tell her hi!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Having Some Pumpkin Fun

Are you ready for some pumpkin fun?  If you can't tell by all my previous fall posts, I love pumpkins and have been working on one pumpkin project after another.  The only thing that could make all this pumpkin fun better is to have a mantle.  I long to be able to decorate a fall mantle but since that isn't an option right now I will stick with my side table and make the most of it.  Can you believe I made most of those decorations?  I know, I'm still in shock myself.